Thursday, October 1, 2015

iPads in the Classroom

Do you sign up for workshops during your summer break?  

I never use to sign up for workshops, because I didn't have a babysitter to watch my babies at home........  But now, I have a teenager! Gotta love the built in babysitter!

So... I decided to sign up  for a few workshops my district was hosting at our high school, I loved them!

Last Summer, I went to iPads in the Classroom.  I have always wanted an iPad for my classroom, but have never been lucky enough to get one.  But I signed up for the workshop with the hopes that one day I would get one and then I would have the knowledge and expertise to use it in my classroom!

Well, I walked in and our wonderful presenter gave each of us an iPad for our classroom!  I was so excited and sad at the same time! I had wished my other Kindergarten team mates were at this workshop with me!

 Our presenter gave us a chance to play with our iPad and then she asked us to do some research. Wow! There is a lot of information about the iPad in the elementary classroom! Just Google it yourself and you will be amazed! 

They were a wonderful addition to my classroom this past school year!  

To learn how to set up and how to make the most of my iPads, I went straight to Sharing Kindergarten.  She has some wonderful tutorials how to use iPads in your classroom! You have to check out her iPads 101 blog post! I had to get her  iPads 101 pack to save my sanity and help organize my classroom iPads! 

A few of my favorite apps are:
(I have not been paid in any way to talk about these apps. I use these in my classroom and just love them!)
The kids can not get enough of this app! It did cost me $1.99, but has been a great app for learning numbers and patterns!

 This is another app that is awesome! It works on letters and phonics!  Since I mainly teach math and science, my kids use this as a fun bonus activity! (Which makes them want to play it more!) Again, it cost me $1.99, but is worth it!

This will help your class with beginning place value! This app is free!

This is another free app!
It really helps with counting!

This app is also free!
It is great to help with counting!
The Ten Frame flashes on the screen and they have to press the correct number. You can set how long it flashes and how long they have to answer.

Of course, iPads can be used for so much more than learning games! It is great for my students to take a picture of their work and, when I have time, look over it and check their level of understanding in their station. 

It is also a great way for the students to show their creativity! Just ask them to video themselves! You will see their creative sides come out!

Well, that is all for now!  I am working on a post about getting the wiggles out!  I purchased some amazing wobble chairs and I can't wait to tell you more about them! They are saving my sanity this school year!!! 


Sunday, August 30, 2015

First Week and Using Glue in Kinder

We started back to school this past week! 

 This was me after school on Friday! Whew! I was exhausted!
My Kinders were awesome this week! So sweet! So happy! So excited about school! It made for an excellent week!  I was one happy, (but extremely tired), teacher.  My husband says I am out of game shape! It's time for my two-a-days to get me back in game shape!  I know in 9 weeks, I will be back to my normal self! Until then, it's lots of coffee for me!

We learned lots of new procedures in my classroom!  I began teaching Whole Brain Teaching with my Kinders! They are loving it! I am loving it!  They can't wait to learn more!  Another reason I love teaching Kindergarten! They are sponges absorbing everything they hear and loving everything!

On Friday, we decided to have some more fun!  I taught them how to use the glue bottle!

We first read Too Much Glue.
My Kinders were so excited about every page! 
It is the cutest story!  Next, we used a glue page from Primary Press  beginning of school - Let's Get It Started

 After they colored the cute apple, they put glue dots and then I help them glitter. They loved it! {Sorry I forgot to take a picture of the final product! They really turned out cute!}

If you need more help teaching  your class to glue, I have a blog post you can read {here}. 

If  you have already started teaching, I hope this next week is an awesome week for you!  If you haven't started teaching yet, I hope you get rested up for your first week back!

Happy Teaching!!!


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Where have I been?!

Hi all! I am so sorry for leaving the blogging world for a few (very long) months! I really hope you can forgive my absence!!! 

I have to apologize for my lack of blogging this school year. I have had some personal issues and have had to step back from the blogging world to get my life back on track. 

My class was high energy and needed some extra attention this past school year. 
My own two beautiful kiddos really needed me this past school year. (They both have been more involved this year).
My husband (who is also high energy and high maintenance - wink wink! - but boy do I love him!) has also begged for extra attention this year.
My Mom passed away a few years back and my Dad has needed some extra attention this year.
I have needed to get my spiritual life for me and my family back on track and going on the right path.

I have really been pulled in a million directions this year!

So, needless to say, I really needed to step back and get my personal life in order.  I appreciate all the emails I have received asking about me!  I really have missed blogging and all the friends I have made! 

When I began blogging this was my way to connect and help others. I really do love to help others and, I was hoping, by blogging, I could do that.  I am hoping to help share ideas through my blog posts again soon!

Thank you for staying with me!!! I have been super busy, and have tried to connect on Facebook and Instagram with the happenings in my classroom! If you aren't connected with me yet, you can catch up with me on those two social media sites. I also try to Twitter, but am not super successful at that yet. And I am brand new to Periscope, (I have been too nervous to do that yet!)

Thank you again for understanding and your patience!

Love and miss y'all!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner And A Sale!

Are you in school yet?

We started our in-service week on Monday and I have been swamped!  Our first day is going to come sooo quick!  I have so much to do!  

Are you ready?  Well, tomorrow I plan to shop a little to help me with my planning!!!

Don't forget to use the promo code BOOST when you check out!!

 Did you hop this past weekend?  Are you ready to see who won?

Congrats Stephanie! I will be emailing you!

And, I loved all your tips!!! Thanks for sharing them! :)

Well... I need to go to bed! I have to get up early! Summer went way too fast!

 Happy Back to School!
Happy Shopping!!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

What You Have Been Wishing For!

Hi friends!! :) Thank you for participating in our little blog hop!! :) You've landed at Stop 11 and I can't wait to share my most wishlisted product with you! :)

My most wishlisted item is my I Can Read the Alphabet pack!  You can click the picture to check it out on TPT! :)

You can grab 3 of the pages for free by clicking here!! 

Do you want to win this product and tons of others? 
Just use the Rafflecopter below to win!

Now...let's keep going! :) Hop on over and visit my friend Natalie over at Teachery Tidbits

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fine Motor Skill Tips & Educents Blowout Sale
    Thank you Mrs. Russell for this adorable graphic!!
Can you believe it is almost time for back to school? In some areas, I know you are already back in school (so sorry - but, come May, I will be completely jealous of you!)  I still have a few weeks, so I am in full swing of planning, printing, copying, laminating, cutting, working on bulletin boards and updating my classroom! 

This is my back to school bulletin board from a few years ago. It is one of my favorites!
Do you have a child that is getting ready for Kindergarten?
I have some friends with children starting Kindergarten this school year, and they asked me for some tips  (this list has some great tips).

I always suggest children work on fine motor skills! My school has a list that I am sharing with you, {click here to grab this freebie}.

Here are a few more suggestions I always share to help children or students with fine motor skills:

* Grab a pipe cleaner and have your child make a bracelet by adding fruit loops (and they can learn about patterning while they add the colors)

* Use clothes pins and have your child open it and clip some papers together or put that clip on their favorite snack bag or finding letters in a magazine. (this is great to work their little finger and hand muscles!)

* Grab a spray bottle and have your child spray water on the plants outside! 

* Grab some play dough or clay and roll it out to make letters, numbers and shapes (they could even roll it out into a strip and cut it to work on their cutting skills)

I have a play dough station in my classroom and my students LOVE it! It has always been the favorite station in my classroom!
 If you would like some play dough mats for your classroom or home, my packet, I Can Read the Alphabet, has some play dough mats included in the packet.  But, right now, Educents has included my packet in a bundle that you can purchase, and many other awesome products, at a reduced price!

I am excited to announce that is having a HUGE back-to-school blowout sale and I am going to be featured in one of the curriculum bundles! 
From July 30 - August 2 (Wednesday - Saturday), they are bringing back all of their favorite and most popular bundles for INSTANT download at up to 77% OFF!  
There is something for everyone and it is their BIGGEST sale of the year! Take a peak into what is on sale! 
Tell your friends, because there is something for everyone who teaches children in PreK - 8th grade!

Preschool Full-Year Curriculum Bundle - 72% OFF


Kindergarten Full-Year Curriculum Bundle - 75% OFF


K-2 The Write Stuff ELA Bundle - 68% OFF


First Grade Literacy Bundle - 74% OFF


School Year Curriculum Bundle (Grades 2-3) - 74% OFF


Poetry Curriculum & Activities Bundle (Grades 2-6) - 75% OFF


Tricky Math Curriculum Bundle (Grades 3-5) - 69% OFF


Complete Full-Year Curriculum Bundle (Grades 6-8) - 77% OFF

Management, Decor & Organization Bundle - 76% OFF


  Here is a peek at my I Can Read the Alphabet packet!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Vegas Baby 2014!

Wow!   I can't believe I am home from Vegas!  What amazing 4 days!  I met so many incredible people and learned sooo much!

I got into Vegas on Wednesday and met my awesome roommates!!

That night What the Teacher Wants hosted an amazing 
Teacher-Blogger Meet Up!

 Okay... If you can't tell.... Vegas is a blast! When I got home, my besties at home asked if I had a great time.... How can you go to Vegas and not have a great time? 

I met some amazing bloggers that I have stalked the past 3+ years! I met some amazing friends that I have talked to for 3+ years! I laughed! I cried! I was in awe!  Y'all, these people were so sweet! And they knew who I was! I came home on cloud 9!

Natalie from Teachery Tidbits, Haley (My Silly Firsties), Chrissy (Buzzing with Ms. B)

 Our days were packed with learning and our nights were packed with food, Beatles Love, Fremont Street (Do you see the photo bomber? We didn't!) and just a little Vegas slots and roulette!

Friday I attended the amazing TpT Conference 2014. Talk about Wow! I learned so much! The presenters were amazing! Again, I was in awe!

  Of course we had to have a little happy hour fun on Friday! I love that Deanna Jump and Paul Edelman (founder of TpT) took pics together for the BlogHoppin Scavenger Hunt! They were the sweetest!

I learned so much!  But this post is long enough! I want to share my tips and tricks I learned on one of my next posts!  

I am linking up with A Burst of First!

Monday, June 30, 2014

I have missed you and Currently!

I am so sorry I have been away for soooo long!

My school year has been soooo crazy!

I promise to better at blogging this Summer!  

I am linking up with Farley for her July Currently

Listening: to my family watch television. They can not make up their mind what they want to watch! It is driving me nuts! For a few minutes it is the Star Trek movie (the 2009 one with Chris Pine.,,,need I say more!) and then they change it to sports... then they change it back! (I think my kids have been home too long!)

Loving: I have been reading Magic Tree House books with my son and Lois Lowry books with my daughter! So much fun! We are having our own little book club! I am loving it!!!

Thinking: I sooo need a pedicure!  I may have to give myself one tomorrow!

Wanting: a cleaning fairy! My house needs a deep dusting! And dust and I do not get along! I am about to resort to mean mommy tactics to get it done!

Needing: to organize my closets.  I have been dreading this!  It is my goal to get it done when I get home from VEGAS! 

4th Plans: I don't have any yet!  We are staying low key this year because of VEGAS! 

I am soooo excited about going to Vegas!!  Are you going?
 What the Teacher Wants  has a great post about the Meet Up! It is going to be so much fun!!! 

Now.... visit Farley and link up your Currently! I would love to hear what you are up to! :)

Monday, January 20, 2014


I am tired, but I wanted to share this awesome quote!  I had an amazing day, and I hope you did too! I hope to share more soon! :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Getting ready for Kindergarten! {freebie included!}

I am so sorry I have been away so long! 

My kids, classroom, husband, activities... have been really keeping me busy this year!  In my last post I mentioned I wanted to really spend more time with my family and I have to say I have truly been doing just that!  I love spending time with my two beautiful children and I think they are really loving the extra attention! Time flies and I am trying to soak it all up before they fly away (I have a high school freshman and it seems like these years are flying away!) 

Speaking of flying away.... 

Has this school year been flying by for you?  It has for me! I can not believe January is half over! It won't be long and my school will be discussing preregistration for Kindergarten for next year! 

With that in mind, I recently had a friend ask what her child needed to know to be ready for Kindergarten in the Fall, (recently I saw this list  and passed it on to my friend... It has some great suggestions).

I am no expert, but I personally think a child needs to know their first and last name and be able to say it if asked. Every year I have at least one child that may know their first name, but not their last name, (It would also be great if they could write their first name).

I also suggest they work on fine motor skills! My school has a list that I am sharing with you, {click here to grab this freebie}.

Some more suggestions to help with fine motor skills are:
* Grab a pipe cleaner and have your child make a bracelet by adding fruit loops (and they can learn about patterning while they add the colors)
* Use clothes pins and have your child open it and clip some papers together or put that clip on their favorite snack bag or finding letters in a magazine. (this is great to work their little finger and hand muscles!)
* Grab a spray bottle and have your child spray water on the plants outside! 
* Grab some play dough or clay and roll it out to make letters, numbers and shapes (they could even roll it out into a strip and cut it to work on their cutting skills)

I have a play dough station in my classroom and my students LOVE it!   If you would like some play dough mats for your classroom, my packet, I Can Read the Alphabet, has some play dough mats included in the packet.   But, right now, Educents has included my packet in a bundle! You can purchase it, and  many other awesome products, at a reduced price!  I just got mine and am so excited about using it! 

font:  Cara Carroll polka dot background: Ashley Hughes  frame: The Moffatt Girls

Be sure to grab this freebie! I will keep it free on my blog for a while, but will eventually put it in my TpT store!  If you love it, please leave me a note!

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